《性愛攝影師系列》以慾望為主體,收藏不同的慾望形狀,對象不限Gayle S. Rubin性等級制度中「好的性」至「壞的性」。並在透過影像傾聽赤裸關係與故事的同時,記錄高潮退去後擱淺的「性」遺照。
In this exhibition, Ning Wen’s multiple identities as a sex photographer, AV director, and artist have published two works: the “Sex Photographer Series” and “Amateur AV Interview Series.”
The “Sex Photographer Series” collects the different types of desires, from “good sex” to “bad sex,” in Gayle S. Rubin’s sexual hierarchy. While observing intimate relationships and stories through images, she captured “sex” photos after climax was reached.
The “Amateur AV Interview Series” reveals the collective subconscious of different generations, regions, and cultures by replacing the viewer’s consumer/producer identity. This project has to be carried out over three years, where issues range from the “individual body” to the “social collective.” It depicts diverse topics such as misogyny caused by childhood sexual assault, confessions of sex workers and consumers, traditional domestic birth-giving machines, depression and BDSM, taboo relationships in school, two-dimensional sex in a virtual world, cross-border sexual differences, erotic flow during demonstrations in Hong Kong, depression after marriage equality in Taiwan…and so on. In addition to interviews, the artist uses fictional AV and experimental practice to break through the existing identity framework and constructs a fantasy that transcends taboos.
Ning Wen uses AV as the vessel of art performance, attempting to turn the stigmatised object of erotica into a supernatural force to tease inherent sexual class, power relations, and cultural taboos. This exhibition combines offline and online platforms and transforms the exhibition venue into a film studio, opening up the inner/outer space of the image and inviting viewers to participate in her AV creation. This exhibition does not discuss porn/erotica but instead looks back at life through those eyes.

█ 寧文個展:性愛攝影師/AV導演/藝術家
█ 活動
🔞|素人AV 面試場次|2022.08.06(週六)
█ 展覽資訊
|日期|2022 / 07 / 14 ~ 08 / 06
|地點| 伊日藝術 B1
|時間|週二~週六 14:00 ~ 19:00
█ 注意事項
1. R18、NC-17,禁未成年進入。這不是色情場所,但可能更色!
2. 展場/片場中含大量性器官,其中可能包含影像的、實體的性相關行為、展演,請自行留意。
3. 請勿隨意侵犯他人,並實踐「安全、理性、知情同意 (Safe, sane and consensual)」或「具有風險意識之合意禁羈實踐 (Risk aware consensual kink)」之精神。
4. 勿損毀展品、空間,須照價賠償。
█ Ning Wen solo exhibition : Sex Photographer / AV Director / Artist
| Date | 2022 / 07 / 14 ~ 08 / 06
| Venue | YIRI ARTS B1
| Open | Tue. ~ Sat. 14:00 ~ 19:00
| Add. | No. 1, Lane 86, Xinming Road, Neihu District, Taipei City 114030, TAIWAN
🔞 | Opening | 2022 / 07 / 23 (Sat.)
🔞 | AV Interview | 2022 / 08 / 06 (Sat.)
1. R18, NC-17, minors are not allowed to enter. It's not a porn venue, but it could be more erotic!
2. Please notice there are a large number of content including sexual organs in the exhibition/film studio, which may be shown by video, physical sexual-related behaviors, and performances.
3. Do not infringe on others, and follow the spirit of "Safe, sane and consensual" and "Risk aware consensual kink".
4. Please be careful with the exhibition installations and displaying items you are surrounding, all damages would be compensated with the full price.