影像記載著時空、場域、記憶與幻境,既真實又虛幻,在現今資訊時代之下,已成為人們每天生活的一部份,並滲透各個角落,而錄像藝術成為當今獨有的藝術媒材,並有著強烈的時代性,人們自古即迷戀火付予之光芒,影像做為新的火燄,人們注視,並尋求知識與答案。「FLAME TP」錄像藝術博覽會,重新思考影像在這個時代的意義,並且再次挖掘世界錄像藝術的廣域,透過每一件錄像找尋每一盞光芒,與渴望的每一個答案。從台北為中心,連結歐美與亞洲之距離,讓錄像藝術有更多的可能性。
大苑藝術在2022年八月,將帶來「2022 FLAME TP VIDEO ART FAIR 台北錄像藝術博覽會」 ,聚焦於錄像、攝影、設計、建築、電影、VR、AR、NFT 等多元領域,揮別守舊傳統的藝術收藏觀念,將全球最為前衛的藝術推向國際舞台。適合台灣畫廊與年輕藝術家共同開拓錄像市場。
▶2022 FLAME TP Video Art Fair 五大特展區
本年度論壇主題為「錄像藝術在元宇宙(Metaverse)的融合、變革、分解」,探討XR、NFT、 Metaverse等未來媒體為主流議題的時代,錄像藝術如何再次面對虛擬與再建構獨一無二性的問題。
▶ Ticket 票價一覽表 :
→ Early Bird One Day Ticket 早鳥一日票
→ One Day Ticket 一日票
→ Pre-sale Package 雙展覽預購套票(含 2022 FLAME TP 一日票+2022 ART FORMOSA 一日票與專刊)
→ Concession Ticket 優待票
→ 10% off with Cathay Pacific Card 刷國泰世華卡享9折
→ 50% off for HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei guest on Aug 27th-28th
和逸飯店 台北忠孝館 8/27-8/28 住房房客
An image is a record of temporality-spatiality, context, memory or fantasy which intertwines real and fictional elements. Nowadays, while image has penetrated every corner and became part of human lives in the Information Age, video art with the nature of our era is a medium unique with contemporaneity. As since ancient times human beings are obsessed with light from fire, image betokens a new flame that attracts human eyes and motivates us to search for knowledge and truth. “FLAME TP” a video art fair, reconsiders the value of image of our time and excavates again the expansive field of global video art. Each video incorporates a light of flame that invokes search of a desirable answer. Taiwan, a center connecting Asia, Europe and America, enables more possibilities of video art.