Introduction 會展介紹
An image is a record of temporality-spatiality, context, memory or fantasy which intertwines real and fictional elements. Nowadays, while image has penetrated every corner and became part of human lives in the Information Age, video art with the nature of our era is a medium unique with contemporaneity. As since ancient times human beings are obsessed with light from fire, image betokens a new flame that attracts human eyes and motivates us to search for knowledge and truth.
“FLAME HK,” a video art fair, reconsiders the value of image of our time and excavates again the expansive field of global video art. Each video incorporates a light of flame that invokes search of a desirable answer. Hong Kong, a center connecting Asia, Europe and America, enables more possibilities of video art.
首屆「FLAME HK」錄像藝術博覽會將在2019年10月4日至6日,於香港黃竹坑奧華酒店舉行,邀請國內外20間藝廊及替代空間、藝術團體,重新思考影像在這個時代的意義,並且再次挖掘世界錄像藝術的廣域,透過每一件錄像找尋每一盞光芒,與渴望的每一個答案。從香港為中心,連結歐美與亞洲之距離,讓錄像藝術有更多的可能性。
Fair Schedule 展會時程
VIP PREVIEW 貴賓預展 (by invitation only 僅限邀請)
2019.10.04 Fri. 15:00 - 20:00
2019.10.05 Sat. 12:00 - 20:002019.10.06 Sun. 12:00 - 20:00